Monday, January 31, 2022

The Will To Join

Last night, Radio Majestad (a music station just down the street from our house) celebrated its 51st anniversary with a block party. This being Honduras, most styles of Latin music were the order of the evening. While I had considerable background in swing dancing, I had very little in the way of Latin dance. This didn’t seem to matter to any of my dance partners, as either I was able to fake it or they were willing to give me a quick tutorial. Or both! 

Fr Richard Rohr likens the life of God to a dance which pulls all creation in, and that sin is to basically “sulk in the corner”, refusing to join and bottling oneself up instead of sharing one’s life with all others. I didn’t need to be a professional dancer to join the locals in their celebration, I just needed the will to join and the humility to learn.  


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