Friday, March 4, 2022

A Tale of Two Beans: Corporate vs. Mom & Pop

Archimedes, the Ancient Greek scientist, once said, “with a lever and a fulcrum large enough, I could move the world”. Little could he predict that a little chocolate bean could mean the difference between an independent living here in Honduras, or labor little better than slavery. Needless to say, we know where we’re getting our chocolate now!! 

1 comment:

  1. What about organizing a group of moms about packaging and shipping some packets of local cacao, name it after the school and have all the profits go into the school.

    You may look to obtain pre-orders, delivery to Damien's address and then reshipment to subscribers. In this way, we get a taste of what it is like in Honduras, and the school gets a taste of some of the benefits of capitalism.


Declaration of Dependence

I am not self-sufficient, it is not all under my control…and what a relief that is!! What an invitation to trust the all-holy Father, “God f...