Monday, January 31, 2022

The True (False) Self

Well, we made it and we got settled in!! Our home is inviting and friendly-and so are the locals! I can’t count how many times I’ve been helped by everyone from office staff to strangers in just getting around and getting what we need! 

The trip over was stressful - after all, transporting two toddlers in 24 hours of flying shouldn’t be that hard…right?? 

Fr. Thomas Keating talks about our “emotional programs for happiness”- habitual patterns of thought or expectations that end up depriving us of peace and driving us to sin. It is through the circumstances of life that frustrate these emotional programs that we learn what they are - they reveal the “false self”, the “old Adam” awaiting healing from Christ. The trip over and preparing for it has given me a great gift - namely a better look at myself and what I need from God. 


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