Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Back In The Building!

The students are now receiving their services in-person at Escuelita Nazareth! 

A typical day includes breakfast and instruction in academics, as appropriate to each child’s age and severity of disability. Currently I intervene during behavioral incidents and observe students in class while my list of unevaluated students is being compiled. 


Thursday, May 19, 2022

Farmers' Checkpoint

It is taking a lot longer than anticipated to complete the paperwork for our residency, so we’re on our way to Tegucigalpa for an extension.  En route we got stopped by a group of…dairy farmers!! And they weren’t checking for drugs or guns, they were checking for…butter and cheese! They didn’t want the money to leave Olancho!

Declaration of Dependence

I am not self-sufficient, it is not all under my control…and what a relief that is!! What an invitation to trust the all-holy Father, “God f...