Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Declaration of Dependence

I am not self-sufficient, it is not all under my control…and what a relief that is!! What an invitation to trust the all-holy Father, “God for us” as Richard Rohr put it so well! 

On December 15th, we received unexpected news: that due to financial struggles with the foundation we were assigned to help, our service was going to end sooner than planned. The ensuing stress and scramble to figure out our next steps has thrown our priorities into relief and driven home the truth of just how much the good we can do depends on the good others do by us. Truly, God is in all things, all circumstances, and all things work the good for those who believe! 

Pray for us as we transition to our former lives and begin a new adventure as LMH vets! 

Declaration of Dependence

I am not self-sufficient, it is not all under my control…and what a relief that is!! What an invitation to trust the all-holy Father, “God f...